Contact SEN Australia

For initial support and referral contact Gini Witt (details below).

There may be a delay in reply at times and we regret that we only have the resources to respond to inquiries from Australia and New Zealand.

We are a network of volunteers. If you have gained value from reading our website and/or from talking with us directly, you may like to express your appreciation by contributing towards our website and other running costs. Any amount, large or small, would be most welcome but isn’t essential.

Contact Gini Witt by email: or by phone: 0420 923 671

Donations can be made via the PayPal button on this site, which accepts donations via credit or debit card. Alternatively, donations can be made via direct deposit with the details below.

Account name: Spiritual Emergence Network

Bank: Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 Account: 128698719

Please add your name as the reference, and email us with the date of deposit, amount, your name and postal address if you require a receipt.