Spiritual Emergence Network of Australia

It is possible to undergo a profound crisis involving non-ordinary experiences, and to perceive it as pathological or psychiatric when in fact it may be more accurately and beneficially described as a Spiritual Emergency.

Who we are

We are a growing network of people who have experienced, or are experiencing Spiritual Emergence and/or Emergency. Some of us work professionally in this field. Some have come into contact with the mental health system and others have not.

Aims of SEN

  • Raising awareness about Spiritual Emergence and Emergency

  • The referral of people undergoing experiences of Spiritual Emergence/y to sources of appropriate peer and professional support.

  • To provide professionals in the mental health field with greater understandings of the Spiritual Emergence framework.

  • To establish, or co-establish with other community groups, networks, crisis care teams and residential centres where alternative approaches to mental health and spiritual emergence are practiced and researched.

You can support the Spiritual Emergence Network Of Australia by sending a donation.